New Release: Purrtastic Four!

Insider 28 Apr , 2019 0

It’s this time of the month when I release a new game!


Purrtastic Four follows in the footsteps of classic balancing Flash games of the old, but it brings a twist to the genre: tossing the cats! Restricting placement to only some zones in certain levels and moving platforms in other levels should add positively to the complexity of the puzzles. Hopefully, the puzzles don’t feel very flat.


Art was done entirely in Inkscape, using a base resolution of 960×640.


Cocos Creator and Typescript was used for development. It builds on the Art Of Balance/Dodge This framework, by extending the inventory system and adding the “throw” mechanic.

As with the previous games I’ve made, game design was done entirely in Cocos Creator. Using the animation tool, it was possible to add both fancy details to the background elements and also add gameplay elements like animated platforms, swings, obstacles, etc. Unfortunately, animated rigid bodies in Cocos Creator are buggy (thing I’ve found only very late in the level design phase) so it might happen that cats will sometime be thrown around weird, if the fps is not constant.

Game should work on most browser and devices, going as low as an IPad Mini.


I’ve used Loyalty Freak Music‘s “Disco Cat” and “Gang Of Alley Cats” tracks, licensed under CC0

Final Words

Please leave your comments here or on Facebook, if you like the game and want more levels.

Three (3!) games are currently  finished and 3 more are in development. Check out soon for more content!

Written by
Stefan Dicu
Owner of Piron Games and game developer.


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